Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Quit raining on my Disney parade!

Okay, so I was ready to talk about the lovely Boo to You parade, but that has changed.  I was reading some posts on Facebook today that really started to bother me.  I generally try not to let someone else's opinion of something get under my skin, because it is just that; an opinion.  Everyone has one and everyone is entitled. BUT, when you start talking trash about my beloved Disney World, I start to get a bit peeved.

In the past I have heard people mention that the whole world of Disney just isn't what it used to be.  They say food quality is has gone down, prices have sky-rocketed and the castmembers just don't have that sparkle anymore.


Ok, fine. Again, I'll admit that I'm fairly new to the Magical World of Disney, so I don't know what it was like 5, 10 or even 15 years ago.  Maybe it was better then, but I don't know.  But I can tell you this - everything within the last 3 years has been absolutely amazing.

How about a dose of reality?  I work in a hospital.  A hospital that provides free care to those who can not pay.  A Level 1 Trauma Center that gets every possible accident you can think of.  A place full of heartache, despair and even death.  I personally work in Hematology/Flow Cytometry.  What does that mean? I do the testing on people's blood that's tells a pathologist whether or not this 1 year old baby has leukemia.  I do testing on blood and tissues that will reveal whether or not a person has cancer.  I see results that will go to a person's family and change it forever.  I consider myself lucky that I am behind the scenes and never have to come face-to-face with the patient I am testing, but every time I get a positive test, I know someone and their family is about to get some horrible news.

So you know what? The dinner I had at Disney World was the best dinner I had all year.  The wait in line was the most fun and eventful wait I could ever want to have.  The prices may have increased, but welcome to inflation, my friend.  You can complain all you want about these things, but to me Disney World is my escape.  I don't have to think about that poor baby being rushed to St. Judes. I don't have to think about that  young person having yet another bone marrow aspirate.  I only have to think about which Mickey ears will be atop my head and which dessert will I try tonight?

Disney World is my happy place. Period.  I see and feel  too much joy and happiness there to let it be tarnished by the cynical.  So what if my dinner got to me a few minutes late? I'm in no hurry - I'm on vacation.  So what if I'm blinded by pixie dust? GOOD! That's what I want. That's the whole point.

With so much misery in the world, let me - and anyone else who believes in the magic - have it.  Let us have our escape. Let us have our happy place. Quit trying to smear your poor attitude on the noses of everyone around you.  Plus, a bad day at Disney World is a heckuva lot better than a good day at the hospital.

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